Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Interesting Render

This "set" is already posted to my portfolio gallery but I really liked this render.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Almost But Not Quite

A shot I currently have calls for an assortment of people from all ages and cultures, so our illustrator at work gave me all these people.  The original idea was to assemble them in Ps then off to Final Cut.  After getting them into FCP it was just too flat, so we headed off to Maya for a bit more flexibility and the extra added depth.  I think it is better, or at least it is clearer.


PS > Maya > FCP

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Baxters _QR Code

My sister came up with the idea of using a QR code in local ads and on flyers - so we got the code for and did a few alternate designs.  - I understand not all of them actually work, but they were fun to play with. I will keep trying.

Baxters Party Store

This past year my sister and I designed a site for the family business, Baxters.  We started with recreating the logo and overall look for the site.  We used free software from Yahoo! so the design had to be super simple yet still be able to have the flexibility to add and remove products from the pages.  This site was not going to have a shopping cart but we still wanted more than just "here is our phone and street address" on the page.

We collaborated on all the designs and Ann, my sister, did the final assembly.

We are working on a holiday swappable character named Marty the Party Guy, - he is still wandering around the pipline...  (WIP)

Modern Library-ish (WIP)

This set got nix'ed halfway through the project due to script changes. Therefore this piece is a 'work in progress.' (WIP)

Off And Running

New updated profile picture. Used two 430EX-II speedlights controlled wirelessly from the camera. Cool.