Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I have been doing a lot of these lately, I call them multi-planes or projection mapping.  Basically I take a painting done by our in house illustrator, Sean Luo, and break it into several pieces - map the textures on planes or shapes - add some Maya lights then render out a camera move.  Generally it gives the painting a  bit more visual duration for the viewer.  These are really easy to do especially when you start with such a great paining.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Midieval Abbey - up date

I modeled this set several years ago and just completed a few retouches - this is the final result.  I usually don't like to go back to old projects b/c my new stuff is typically much better but this guy has withstood the time test and I still really like it.  I was working with the compositor on a few color corrections and adjustments to match the rest of the 3D from this current series.

After we finished the above shot I felt as if it lost a bit of the mood of the original idea so we landed back with a bit of a warmer version, closer to the original idea.  Both look nice but the bleach by pass look was just a bit to cool/cold for me.  So this is the new up - up date.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Dynamic Compass

Compass is the best term to describe this object and it was done back when I was feeling very steam punk.  For the purpose of our lessons it symbolizes the relationship between blessing and curses.  When the needle moves in the shot all the gears spin and twirl (set driven key,) pretty slick if I can say so myself.  Fun.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Polished Concrete

I have had this environment finished for some time just now got around to posting it.  Definitely a different look than the more "historical" stuff I usually work on, there is even polished concrete on the floor..., whoa!